Monday, January 1, 2024


Happy things from this last day of 2023:

  • Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this led me to reorganizing the shelves where the towels are stored. I didn't take a picture before, but trust me, it looks a lot better.

  • While sorting towels, a price tag fell off a brand new, but very old table cloth. The table cloth was purchased by my mother at Ames Department Store. Mom has been gone over 20 years. Maybe I should have gotten rid of it? I didn't let it go in 2023. Who knows what things will leave in 2024.
  • Pretty clouds!

  • Yesterday I noticed a trilogy of movies that I wanted to see. The problem is that they were scheduled to leave Amazon Prime at midnight, December 31, 2023. I started watching the first one yesterday and I was able to watch them all before Zed got home from working at Keziah’s store. These were based on books that I thought I read. It was long enough ago that I don’t remember much from them though.
  • There were some late delivery purchases that Gideon got to open tonight. Zed video called Keziah so she could be part of him opening them from her covid isolation.

2023 has come to an end. With it goes this Blog. Every year I give the Blog a new title and address. For 2024 the title is “2024 Happy Blog Challenge Continues.” The new address will be . I started blogging in 2016. It would be nice to say that it is getting easier to write every day. Some days are easier than others, some days are hard. I hope you join me in the new year as I look for things that make me happy. I hope reading this is a bright spot in your day. Thank you, dear reader, for joining me on this journey. May your new year be filled with good health and happy blessings.

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

At Home Day

Happy Saturday things:

  • The first part of the day I spent lounging around in my pajamas.  I tried to nap around lunch time, and then got dressed.
  • Still, I never left the house.  I'll call this an early introvert day.
  • In between watching movies and eating, I did lots of laundry, dishes, and cleaned out the microwave.  The best part about today's laundry is that it was not mine.  I did loads of laundry for the rest of the family and I'm not responsible for putting it away.  Yay for some productivity!
  • Shortly after the sunset, I took a picture of the horizon through a window.  If there were colors as it set, I missed them.  I'm happy I took the pictures.  I decided on a goal for 2024 to post pictures more on my social media.  So now I keep forgetting to take pictures!

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Friday, December 29, 2023


Here are some happy things from this day:

  • It was an errand day.  I picked up my mail at the post office (it has been well over a month) and did some shopping.  The shopping was a jump-start on the things I normally get on Mondays.  Yay for planning ahead!  This also meant being in the van for a long time to listen to my book.
  • With some of the purchases, I was able to make Keziah a bowl full of different snacks to have while she is isolating with covid.

  • Today I learned that January 2, 2024 is World Introvert day.  Seems like a good day to stay at home, too bad I am scheduled to work.  

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Beep, Beep

It is Keziah’s turn to have covid.  However, here are some happy Thursday things:

  • Occasionally, under my breath, I made sound effects when I pushed a cart around picking up packages for problem solve at work.  Just a ‘zoom’ or ‘wee’ sound made the day much nicer.
  • In the afternoon, I took a lovely nap.  This made it possible for me to stay awake watching movies far too late.  It turns out that I enjoy watching movies, so that is okay. 
  • Somehow, I forgot to take a picture.  Instead, here is a Bitmoji.

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Happy things from today:

  • TF called today so we were able to catch up on all the things that happened over Christmas.  It seems to have been good all around.
  • Gideon had a friend over today.  It was nice to hear them playing together.
  • The day was wet.  Most of the day held either rain or fog.  The fog can be pretty.  Where the sun shone on the trees yesterday, today those trees were veiled with fog.

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Boxing Day

We don't tend to celebrate Boxing Day, but here are some happy things from the day:

  • Yesterday, I stayed in bed too long.  Today I actually slept in.  Keziah woke me up a little before nine this morning.  I know that I needed to sleep. I'm glad I got some sleep. I hope I can get to sleep this afternoon because I have work tonight.  Sleep is good and important.
  • We went through a bunch of cardboard boxes that have been waiting to be recycled, and got them to the recycling center.  This is nothing like the traditional way to celebrate Boxing Day.  It was good to clear some things out.

  • I stepped outside to the back yard parking area and looked at the property.  I saw leafless trees with the sun shining on them, birds flitting about and singing, some evergreens supplying a burst of color amid the light browns and grays of the snowless winter landscape.

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Day

Happy things from this Christmas day:

  • This morning I stayed in bed too long because Nanni, the brown tabby cat, decided to snuggle up next to me on the bed.  
  • The stockings were filled with sweetness.  Most of my candies were peppermint or vitamin C themed.  Among other things there were also earrings, stickers and a little puzzle.  Some other gifts included more earrings, safety lights for walking at night, and a book about hiking the 4000 footers in New Hampshire.  I really need to read more again.
  • As for the others... Gideon was very happy with the game and t-shirt I got him.  Some things he got were books, clothes, and a galaxy moon lamp. I was worried about what I got for Zed… a toilet seat and bidet.  Our current ones are falling apart.  Anyhow, he seemed thrilled. He also got books and some fun toys.  Keziah got art supplies, books, and some jewelry. She also got some things for the store.  I think we were all happy with the things we received.  
  • Zed's mom visited and breakfast was made.  It was good to have her here.  Last Christmas she was staying here and we got to see her all the time.
  • In the afternoon I relaxed with a movie and a walk while the rest of the household went to visit Zed's family.  Down time is what I needed for a while. 
  • My youngest and I had a lovely video call, too.  
Pictures from today:

Stocking stuffs.

All lit up for my walk.

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...