Saturday, April 22, 2023

Happy Earth Day

Last year for Earth Day I was in Texas and I hiked up Enchanted Rock with my friend, TF. This year I spent most of the day outside for the SCA yard sale. Here are some happy highlights from today:

  • Before the yard sale I walked around the front of the house and saw daffodils and something else growing there. A little research and I am unsure of the variety of the other flowers.  It appears to be part of the same family as the daffodil which is the Narcissus family.  Whatever the variety, it is pretty.

  • To help draw attention to the house, we put out my SCA banner. It hangs in my room over the bed normally. I love the way it flutters in the breeze.

  • Being cold takes a lot of energy. I dressed warm but I have a hard time being warm when it is chilly and I am not active. It seemed like there were lots of people at the yard sale today. I got to visit with some friends I don't see often and it was good.  By the end of the day, I was exhausted.  It was a good, exhausted feeling.
  • One friend came and built buffer weapons for kids to use. She came all the way from Connecticut to spend time with us.  I was blessed with the time to sit and talk with her for a while.  It was a good day with good friends, new and old.  

Currently listening to: The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

Currently reading: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe

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