Saturday, April 15, 2023

Tax Day

The rest of the family are off visiting friends today and that left me alone. I expected to spend the day feeling down but once I got my taxes filed I started feeling pretty good. I don't think I realized the shadow not having them done had cast over me. Here are some other happy things from today:

  • I worked with the roses again. I pulled one out and have potted it in hopes that I can plant it elsewhere if it lives. I also put some mulch in the rose bed.
  • Last year, after the beauty of my spring flowers were gone, I let the triangle part of the driveway go. I gave that area some attention today. I think there were at least three wheelbarrows full of leaves and weeds from there that I pulled out. I wish I could say it was done, alas, it is just better. There will be tulips blooming soon there I think.

  • After reading and taking a short nap I watched a movie. It was a good self-care day.

Currently listening to: The Choice, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed, by Helene Thursten

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe

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