Monday, April 17, 2023


Some happy things for this rainy Monday:

  • The book I'm listening to, The Choice, is the third in a series I started back in January. I got it out through the library on the Libby app. Unfortunately, I only get it for one week and so many people are waiting, I doubt I can get an instant renewal. So I've been doing quite a bit of listening and I'm already three quarters of the way through. Listening at a slightly faster than normal speed is helping.  There were other tasks I should have worked on today, but being in the book was more entertaining.
  • It rained off and on today. Instead of walking on a trail, my friend, Amy, and I met at the mall and walked there. For various reasons it has been a while since we have been able to get together so it was really great to see her.
  • The maple tree outside my bedroom is blooming. Soon it will be covered in leaves and things will be green again.

  • One of the things I was supposed to do today was get food for myself.  I chose an early bedtime instead.  I was really happy when I mentioned to Keziah that I needed soup and she pointed to some that hadn't been put away in the right place.  The rest of my list can wait.  I'm going to try to go gluten free, at least mostly, again.  The soup, instead of sandwiches, is a big step in that direction.

Currently listening to: The Choice, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed, by Helene Thursten

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe

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