Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Good Work Day (Night)

Some happy things from this Wednesday:

  • Sometime in the last two weeks or so I started hearing the distant song of frogs at night when I leave for work. As I paused for a moment to listen to them before getting into the car, I noticed the moon. The moon was a slim crescent shape near the horizon. From my vantage point it was nestled between tree tops.
  • At work tonight I was in the Problem Solve department, but not by myself. At one point the training person came by and told me that if I wanted, I could trade in my green Safety vest for a maroon Problem Solve vest. I told them I would need to think about it. I wouldn't be giving up being on the safety committee. I talked to another employee and I've decided that I still have more to learn before I want to wear the maroon vest. I've learned a bunch in the Problem Solve corner, but there are other aspects that I still need to learn. My supervisor also spoke with me today and he is pleased with my progress.
  • About 45 minutes before the end of shift all the employees got to go outside for a cookout and to hit a wiffle ball if they wanted. It was fun to watch and a nice break from work.
  • When I got home I checked on my plants. The basil is getting bigger and looks more like basil now.

Currently listening to: Warrior of the Light, by Paulo Coelho

Currently reading: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe

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