Thursday, April 20, 2023

Titles Complete

Some happy things from today:

  • It was 59 degrees in the house when I got home from work. I turned the heat off last week when the temperatures were in the 80's. We are trying to tough it out since winter is technically over. When the sun comes out, the porch gets warm. The warmth of the porch was a very welcome place for me this afternoon when the house and outside were chilly.
  • While sitting on the porch I admired my seedlings. I'm not the best plant mom, I hope to do better this year.  From the first bunch of seeds I planted I got one marigold.  It seems to be doing alright.  

  • I finished both the books I've been working on today. I'm happy that An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed is behind me.  I struggled with liking the main character of that book, I didn't like her.  There was no struggle with The Choice.  I really enjoyed The Choice and the other books in that series (The Dragon Heart Legacy).  According to my Goodreads I have read 17 books so far this year and I am in the middle of three others.  Perhaps I should pick one of those up again.

Finished listening to: The Choice, by Nora Roberts

Finished reading: An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed, by Helene Thursten

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe

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