Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Nest

Some happy things from Tuesday:

  • This week I am scheduled to work 50 hours at ten hours a day.  I'm trying to be good to myself and got out an hour early today.  I figure that my normal week is 30 hours so I can get away with less than 50, especially since I was sick a few weeks ago.  Yay! Day one is over.
  • After work I watched a movie.  I planned to turn it off in the middle to do other things, but it sucked me in.  There were tears.  I think that means I liked it.  😉
  • As the sun was setting I took a few minutes to go outside to appreciate it.  I found something else, too.  Now that the leaves are gone I found a nest in the lilac tree.  I think it is some kind of hornet nest.  It is too cold for anything to be flying around it to help me identify it.


Currently listening to: Blizzard! The Storm That Changed America, by Jim Murphy.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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