Thursday, November 9, 2023

First Snow of the Season

Happy things from today:

  • On the way to work last night I saw a coyote run into the bushes.
  • Since I had to leave work anyway for an appointment, I put my name on the board to take voluntary time off if it was available.  I worked about two hours before they let me go.  At that time, sleet had started to fall.  I thought about just staying in the car until it got late enough for the road crews to get out.  I decided to try the drive home instead.  Before I left, I made mental notes of the parking lots I could use if the roads were bad.  Before passing the first parking lot, I carefully checked the car to see how it handled.  The roads were just wet, the only places that seemed slippery were the two bridges I drove over.  I had no problems with the new Kia, and got home safe.  
Nanni checking out the snow.

  • Before going to my appointment I was able to have a nice nap and visit a little with the family before they went to school and work.  
  • At home, I was productive.  Laundry, dishes, and general picking up are things I accomplished.
  • After Gideon got home from school we went to Kiaya's store to help out there until she closed.  Earlier, a friend and her children had visited the store.  They had fun playing with the wood that is for sale.

  • Some other pictures from today:

Currently listening to: The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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