Sunday, November 26, 2023


Happy Sunday things:
  • Communication has changed over my lifetime and even more over that of my parent's. My mother was a switchboard operator (this is apparently still a job, but updated) for a while. She would direct calls by talking with a person and then plugging their line into the right outlet. I'm sure there was more to it than that. As a kid, one place where we lived had a party line. Somehow different numbers went to the same line and the phone rang differently for the different homes. The phone bills were based partly on the service area. A person was charged if the phone number wasn't local based on how long they talked. Today, many of us use cellular phones and we pay one fee and can talk with anyone in the same country as long as we want and pay the same price (usually high). It depends on a person's cellular company and plan. The point I am trying to make with this very wordy section, is that I was able to talk with TF in Texas for over two hours today and it won't change how much my bill is. It can make budgeting easier and conversations more relaxed. I remember watching the clock so my bill wouldn't be too high. TF and I were able to catch up since our last call, a week or two ago? 😄
  • Today was mostly a day of rest for me. I snuggled in my warm bed and finished listening to my book and played games on my phone…and talked on it.
  • While watching things this evening Winston, the orange tabby, curled up on the blanket on my lap. He let me pet him for close to an hour. This is odd for either of our cats. It has been almost three years and I think they are finally getting more cuddly. Perhaps it is because they are getting older?

Finished listening to: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, by Susan Cain.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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