Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Finding the Good in the Not-so-Good

Happy Wednesday things:

  • Day two of my work week did not go as I'd hoped.  I only worked about two hours and went home not feeling well.  My not feeling well seems to be almost a normal thing lately, last night it was more intense.  The good part is that I have some appointments coming up that I can address this in.  Also, there are anti nausea meds left over from when I had covid that will come with me to work tonight.
  • The moon was pretty.
The way my camera phone sees the moon.
I believe the small spots are a reflection, not stars.

  • Even though I still wasn't feeling great in the early afternoon, I decided to go for a walk out back.  This proved to be a bad idea.  It has been quite a while since a human has wandered through there and the multiflora, and other thorn producing plants, have taken over many parts of what were trails.  But, what we like to call the “Witch Tree” is still standing.  It was good to see that again.  There is also ice on some of the wetland.  When I wasn't getting stabbed, it was quite lovely.  🥰
There once was a trail here...

And here.


The Witch Tree.



Finished listening to: Blizzard! The Storm That Changed America, by Jim Murphy.

Currently listening to: Ridgeline, by Michael Punke.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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