Friday, June 30, 2023


Today's happy things:

  • A few weeks ago I tried to update my outdated credit card information to an account. Because I forgot my password, this required a phone call to the company.  The person wasn't able to verify who I was using my phone number. Today I called an automated number, with the same phone, and was able to update without talking to a person. Sometimes I guess automation works. Either way, one less thing on my to-do list!
  • There is a game that Keziah and a friend designed to play at SCA events with children. It involves finding stuffed sheep. Last year she told another group that she would create a similar game for their group. Tonight we (four of us!) started making the goats.

  • In an overgrown area by the side of a road I saw a plant with bright orange flowers. I didn't get close enough for a detailed picture to be able to identify it.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

What Day Is It?

Thursday's happy things:

  • Sometimes I wonder why I don't think of certain things myself. Last night at work I learned a new way to stack the bags we put the packages in for delivery. It was a small thing that will help make them safer and less likely to topple over. I've been there for two years and this should have been something I was taught on day one. Yay, learning new things!
  • On Thursdays I usually take a nap and Gideon wakes me up for dinner. I didn't remind anyone that today is Thursday so I didn't get woken up. It turned into something funny when I came downstairs and the realization dawned on the rest of the family what day of the week it was.

  • There is a little apartment type thing attached to the house that a friend has been staying in. She might be moving very soon and I am happy for her getting her own place. Eventually I'll be moving in there.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

More Privet

Some happy things from today:

  • Yesterday I wrote about the flowers on the privet bush. When I look at the row of privet between our yard and the neighbor's it doesn't resemble what a privet normally would be. Normally, a privet is a well trimmed hedge. I can't know if it was ever a well trimmed hedge, but it definitely appears more wild at this point. I've come to like it.  I'd still prefer if the entire area were lilacs, but I've come to like the privet.
Picture taken from the second floor.
The privet is mostly in the middle of the picture.

  • At work I was assigned to stow. That is basically scanning packages and putting them neatly where they belong. For the first hour I did really well and was fast. I'm going to focus on that and not the rest of the night. 😉
  • They let us stop working about a half hour early and served snacks before going home. I got popcorn and a snow cone. I was good and didn't get the cotton candy.  I saved my sweets for the strawberries at home.  😋

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Lack of sleep means that my happy list is short today.

  • When I got home from work and shopping I could smell flowers when I got out of the car. The privet bush is blooming.

  • It wasn't a bad day, just a tiring one. I managed to get over 20,000 steps at work.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Strawberry Picking

Happy things from today:

  • This morning, before the rain came, the weather was practically perfect for strawberry picking. It was overcast with the temperatures around 70°. We picked almost 14 pounds of strawberries. They are sweet and delicious. In the words of Gideon, "They are bursting with flavor."  Keziah and I picked them.  Gideon and I washed them and prepared them for eating.

  • A friend came over to sew with Keziah and we went out to lunch at The Post. They are a breakfast to lunch place and I got breakfast. I had a delicious omelet with some fruit and toast.
  • Parts for Keziah’s store are coming together. We picked up shelves from a store that went out of business. They very nearly filled up the van.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Sunday, June 25, 2023


My not so happy thing today is my poor spelling. Yesterday I totally spaced that ‘muscle’ is a homophone with ‘mussel’. They ate mussels yesterday, not muscles.

My happy things today are:
  • That I can go back and update my spelling error from yesterday so it won't exist for future readers.
  • Yesterday was also a busy day which left me pretty tired today. I'm glad I was able to rest.
  • Outside the daylilies are starting to bloom. I noticed them yesterday and got pictures today. The common evening primrose and milkweed are also blooming.



  • There is a frog (toad?) that seems to have taken up residence between the window and the screen of an open window tonight.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Vineland Raids

Happy things for today:

  • Some day lilies have bloomed. I noticed them heading out of the driveway for an event on Cape Cod. Tomorrow I'll try for pictures.
  • It was quite pleasant to sit and observe the children's activities at the event. There weren't too many children. At one point they were decorating masks and the chatter was quiet as they all concentrated on the task. One parent was patiently asking their toddler what to place where. It was precious.
  • Gideon made what he called an astral bear mask. He also made a jester marotte. An adult taught a little about the history of jesters too.

  • The event was fairly small but nice. There was a feast with lots of food. I wasn’t brave enough to try the mussel soup. Gideon and Keziah both really enjoyed it. There were plenty of other things to eat. In the end was a fondant subtlety that was beautiful and delicious.

Some other pictures from the trip:

The winning Arts & Sciences entry
for the Champion of Champions was 
the Stonemarche Champion!

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Friday, June 23, 2023


Today some happy things are:

  • Last night and this morning I got involved with my rubik's cube. It had been sitting, forgotten, on a shelf and I stumbled upon it yesterday. For a bit too long I twisted and turned it last night. The same this morning. I've solved the original rubik's cube in the past, this is the larger version. I'm not sure if I will ever solve it, but every so often, it is fun to try.

  • Last year I stated to the family that the yard is too much for me to care for by myself with my job. This year we are taking turns getting different parts mowed and it is working better for me.
  • There were some pretty wild flowers out back, so I didn't have to mow them.
Possibly a Sulphur cinquefoil.

  • A garter snake was in the lawn compost pile.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Concord Market Days

Some happy things from today:

  • It was an early day at work for me. I had my first appointment with a therapist. Perhaps now is the time to remind my readers that I write this blog to remember to look for happy things partially to help me in my battle with depression. Maybe that is too much information, but it is what it is.  After this appointment though, I am hopeful.
  • Concord Market Days are happening through this weekend in Concord, NH. The family, a friend, and I went this evening and walked Main Street. I got a delicious grilled cheese sandwich with goat cheese for dinner (Wicked Tasty Food Truck) while checking out artisans and vendors. We know one of the vendors and I had the opportunity to chat with her for a while and catch up on life.
Gideon got a haircut and a new color!

I was trying to get a photo of the bubbles...

  • There are three different locations among the festivities which host live music. That was fun to listen to-and maybe sing along with.
  • There were also many dogs and small children strolling the area with their parents and guardians. Cuteness overload!

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Chasing Dreams

Happy things!

  • Today my workday was not quite as long as yesterday. I still needed help in the Problem Solve area. I feel like I'm working faster, just not as fast as the problems coming in!  I still like working there.
  • Have you ever watched someone chasing their dreams?  It is amazing.  There are so many feelings.  Anxiety and stress are there (risky stuff), but the joy overshadows them.  This is a picture of my daughter. She is busy chasing her dreams. It is wonderful to watch.

  • Happy Summer Solstice! Spring flew by.  I'm not ready for summer, but here it is.  😊

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


A short list of happy things:

  • It was a long night working in the Problem Solve area. I had help most of the time and I still stayed late to try to finish, and didn't. I am so very thankful and happy that I did get help.  I still like working in that area.
  • I stepped outside to find one iris still in bloom and the roses by the shed looking pretty.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Monday, June 19, 2023


Yesterday was Father's Day and I failed to mention that in my blog. So, Happy day after Father's Day!  Here are some happy things from today:

  • Happy Juneteenth!
  • Happy thirteenth anniversary to Keziah and Zed! They are a wonderful couple that compliment each other beautifully.
  • Today is also the two year anniversary of me being at my current workplace.
  • Keziah has her business flyer out at a few places. Today she visited a Cafe and found that about half of her tear away QR codes had been removed. Yay!
  • Nanni, the brown tabby, carefully tested each step as she rose higher on a pile of boxes. Each step seemed considered as she made her way up, almost to the ceiling. After she was there for a few minutes, Winston followed her up. Winston, the orange tabby, jumped up and over some of the boxes to join Nanni at the top. What a difference in the way they chose to climb. Fascinating.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Sunday, June 18, 2023


Happy things for today:

  • This morning when I woke up I had a goal. It was my intention to make it to archery practice this morning. Not only did I make it to practice, but I was on time. I even remembered to stretch before I shot. My highest Royal Round score (total of four different shoots) was 38. I’m not a great archer, maybe if I make it to practice more often.  This score was just a little lower than last year's average so I am happy with it.
The first round and every arrow scored.
That was the only time that happened.
My arrows are the long ones.

My one shot in the gold!

  • It turns out that yesterday I finished watching the series Family Affair from the late 1960’s. I realized this when I wanted to watch something short today. Instead I started watching the new series Rise of the Pink Ladies which is based on the movie Grease. I like it, but the episodes are an hour long which will make it hard to turn off when I should be going to bed.
  • After archery I went for a nice walk with my friend, Amy. We saw a turtle. We also made sure to stay off the thin ice on the pond. 😉

  • Keziah, Zed, and Gideon made it home safely from their adventure in Canada this weekend.  They brought me back a can of maple syrup and a pretty necklace.

  • When I left to go to archery there were three red rose buds. When I came home from the walk one was starting to open. There seem to be a lot of blossoms this year and I wonder if that has to do with all the pruning I did early in the spring.

Finished listening to: In Pieces, by Sally Field.

Started listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Lazy Saturday

Some happy things for this lazy Saturday:

  • Rain was expected all day. Had I known it wouldn't rain in the morning, I might have gone outside. Instead I spent most of the morning listening to a book and playing games on my phone while I paced.
  • The day wasn't completely lazy, I did some dishes and laundry. I'm happy about that.
  • After a nap, TF and I had some fun playing Minecraft. We've been losing villagers and spent time reinforcing the village walls and trying to produce more villagers.  
  • Nanni was adorable in the evening.

Currently listening to: In Pieces, by Sally Field.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Friday, June 16, 2023


Some happy things:

  • Today I got a message that was not fun to hear. The reduced version is that my son was in a car accident and will be fine. They went to urgent care and checked out alright. I spent part of the day more worried than usual. It meant so much to hear their voice when they called to give me details later. I'm very happy that they will be okay.
  • Keziah, Zed, and Gideon are driving to Canada for the weekend. I look forward to hearing that they have arrived safely. They all left very excited to be going. It is Gideon’s first trip out of the country.
  • For the first time I removed the dead flower heads from the roses. It is one of those things that I just never got around to before. There has been enough rain that I cut off some buds that already looked in bad shape. One flower looked very pretty though. I love the way it is just a little darker toward the center.

Currently listening to: In Pieces, by Sally Field.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.


A short list of happy things for today:

  • Keziah is so talented. She took a stuffed possum and made clothes to decorate it for a friend.  She even colored the hair to try to match her friend's hair.

  • In my photo memories there was a picture of milkweed from last year. I decided to take a picture of it for this year too. I enjoy watching milkweed grow. Soon it will blossom.

Currently listening to: In Pieces, by Sally Field.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Open House

Some happy things from Flag Day:

  • Last night at work we were served pancakes by the managers. I love that they always have fresh fruit and real maple syrup to go with them.
  • I ordered some new pajamas and they came in the mail today. I have a hard time finding long ones in the stores so I'm glad these are as long as the ad said. Now I can throw away (or make rags out of) some that have seen better days.

  • Gideon's school had an open house. I stayed up late to go. We got to play a game that Gideon designed, see the boat he made as part of a team, the classrooms, and walk around the school. It was very exciting.
Parts of the game.

The boat.

The flag for the boat.

What math is like to Gideon.

Currently listening to: In Pieces, by Sally Field.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.


Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...