Friday, June 2, 2023

A Busy Day

Some happy things for today:

  • This morning I decided to see if Keziah could drop me off in the city to walk around while she ran errands and got a haircut. Things didn't quite work out that way. While getting things ready for the craft fair tomorrow, Keziah got very frustrated over some last minute things she wasn't prepared for and is required to do. We ended up running some errands together so she could get those things accomplished. Somehow, I was able to help her be less frustrated, so that was good.
  • While running errands I picked up some peony tubers. When we were back home I braved the heat of the day and planted four of the five tubers I purchased. I'm not sure where the fifth one will end up. I planted three in the triangle part of the driveway and one between two clumps of daffodils. Hopefully they will grow well where I put them.

  • While Keziah was out doing more errands I got to pick Gideon up from school. He told me that updates are happening soon with Minecraft and another video game that he likes to play.  I love how excited he gets for these things.
  • Later in the day Keziah went for that haircut and had more to do so I got to walk a little in the city. We got home just as it started to rain.  There are some beautiful orange colored azaleas growing in front of the State House.  

A water feature at Bicentennial Square.

  • Keziah is very talented and is almost done with the sign for her display tomorrow.

Currently listening to: Revelations of Divine Love, by Julian of Norwich

Currently reading: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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