Saturday, June 10, 2023


Happy things from today:

  • Somehow, my memory worked well enough that I was able to get things accomplished for some upcoming events and do some organizing. It felt good to not miss a deadline.  I also reminded some others about deadlines, phew.
  • Most of the day I hermitted inside the house. I stepped outside long enough to check on some plants and found the small purple irises are blooming and the red roses are starting to bloom as well.
The red rose is hiding.

Glistening with rain water from today's thunderstorm.


  • We have been watching Star Trek: Voyager occasionally while we eat our dinner. The episode tonight included a character that was first introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Q. There is something about the way John de Lancie plays the character, Q, that I really enjoy watching. He is a mischievous character that brings something extra to the show for me.

Currently reading: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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