Saturday, June 24, 2023

Vineland Raids

Happy things for today:

  • Some day lilies have bloomed. I noticed them heading out of the driveway for an event on Cape Cod. Tomorrow I'll try for pictures.
  • It was quite pleasant to sit and observe the children's activities at the event. There weren't too many children. At one point they were decorating masks and the chatter was quiet as they all concentrated on the task. One parent was patiently asking their toddler what to place where. It was precious.
  • Gideon made what he called an astral bear mask. He also made a jester marotte. An adult taught a little about the history of jesters too.

  • The event was fairly small but nice. There was a feast with lots of food. I wasn’t brave enough to try the mussel soup. Gideon and Keziah both really enjoyed it. There were plenty of other things to eat. In the end was a fondant subtlety that was beautiful and delicious.

Some other pictures from the trip:

The winning Arts & Sciences entry
for the Champion of Champions was 
the Stonemarche Champion!

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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