Wednesday, June 28, 2023

More Privet

Some happy things from today:

  • Yesterday I wrote about the flowers on the privet bush. When I look at the row of privet between our yard and the neighbor's it doesn't resemble what a privet normally would be. Normally, a privet is a well trimmed hedge. I can't know if it was ever a well trimmed hedge, but it definitely appears more wild at this point. I've come to like it.  I'd still prefer if the entire area were lilacs, but I've come to like the privet.
Picture taken from the second floor.
The privet is mostly in the middle of the picture.

  • At work I was assigned to stow. That is basically scanning packages and putting them neatly where they belong. For the first hour I did really well and was fast. I'm going to focus on that and not the rest of the night. 😉
  • They let us stop working about a half hour early and served snacks before going home. I got popcorn and a snow cone. I was good and didn't get the cotton candy.  I saved my sweets for the strawberries at home.  😋

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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