Thursday, June 22, 2023

Concord Market Days

Some happy things from today:

  • It was an early day at work for me. I had my first appointment with a therapist. Perhaps now is the time to remind my readers that I write this blog to remember to look for happy things partially to help me in my battle with depression. Maybe that is too much information, but it is what it is.  After this appointment though, I am hopeful.
  • Concord Market Days are happening through this weekend in Concord, NH. The family, a friend, and I went this evening and walked Main Street. I got a delicious grilled cheese sandwich with goat cheese for dinner (Wicked Tasty Food Truck) while checking out artisans and vendors. We know one of the vendors and I had the opportunity to chat with her for a while and catch up on life.
Gideon got a haircut and a new color!

I was trying to get a photo of the bubbles...

  • There are three different locations among the festivities which host live music. That was fun to listen to-and maybe sing along with.
  • There were also many dogs and small children strolling the area with their parents and guardians. Cuteness overload!

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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