Sunday, June 4, 2023

Concord Arts Market

My busy day yesterday meant that I forgot to go to a meeting last night and I forgot to do DuoLingo.  DuoLingo used a streak freeze so I am at 1619 days instead of 1620.  I practiced for about 40 minutes this morning to make up for that.  All I can do about the meeting is wait for the business minutes to arrive.  I guess forgetting to do these things means I had a good day yesterday?

Here are some happy things from today:

  • Yesterday's temperature was around 90 degrees, today the high was about 54 degrees. There was also a chance of passing showers. I feel like this reduced the amount of people who came to the Concord Arts Market but we had a good time. Keziah had her first public appearance at the arts market to showcase the new business.  People were really nice and loved the business model she proposed of a craft supply thrift store. It was fun watching the faces of people light up when the idea was explained to them.  Many people took either a flyer, a business card, or both.  We also had some hand crocheted items for people who wanted them.

  • At home the yellow irises are blooming alongside the purple and yellow ones.

  • By the time we left the arts market we were chilled to the bone and I went down for a four hour nap. This made it easier to stay up late to play Minecraft with TF.  We haven't played in a long time.  

Currently reading: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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