Friday, June 30, 2023

What Day Is It?

Thursday's happy things:

  • Sometimes I wonder why I don't think of certain things myself. Last night at work I learned a new way to stack the bags we put the packages in for delivery. It was a small thing that will help make them safer and less likely to topple over. I've been there for two years and this should have been something I was taught on day one. Yay, learning new things!
  • On Thursdays I usually take a nap and Gideon wakes me up for dinner. I didn't remind anyone that today is Thursday so I didn't get woken up. It turned into something funny when I came downstairs and the realization dawned on the rest of the family what day of the week it was.

  • There is a little apartment type thing attached to the house that a friend has been staying in. She might be moving very soon and I am happy for her getting her own place. Eventually I'll be moving in there.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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