Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Open House

Some happy things from Flag Day:

  • Last night at work we were served pancakes by the managers. I love that they always have fresh fruit and real maple syrup to go with them.
  • I ordered some new pajamas and they came in the mail today. I have a hard time finding long ones in the stores so I'm glad these are as long as the ad said. Now I can throw away (or make rags out of) some that have seen better days.

  • Gideon's school had an open house. I stayed up late to go. We got to play a game that Gideon designed, see the boat he made as part of a team, the classrooms, and walk around the school. It was very exciting.
Parts of the game.

The boat.

The flag for the boat.

What math is like to Gideon.

Currently listening to: In Pieces, by Sally Field.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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