Friday, June 23, 2023


Today some happy things are:

  • Last night and this morning I got involved with my rubik's cube. It had been sitting, forgotten, on a shelf and I stumbled upon it yesterday. For a bit too long I twisted and turned it last night. The same this morning. I've solved the original rubik's cube in the past, this is the larger version. I'm not sure if I will ever solve it, but every so often, it is fun to try.

  • Last year I stated to the family that the yard is too much for me to care for by myself with my job. This year we are taking turns getting different parts mowed and it is working better for me.
  • There were some pretty wild flowers out back, so I didn't have to mow them.
Possibly a Sulphur cinquefoil.

  • A garter snake was in the lawn compost pile.

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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