Monday, June 12, 2023


Today's happy things:

  • About 45 minutes away is a fabric and clothing store, Dorr Mill Store. Keziah and I went there for the first time today. It was a beautiful drive past lakes, forests, and mountain views. The fabric part of the store specializes in wool. Keziah picked up a lovely plaid.

  • On the way to Dorr Mill Store we stopped at another store. This one, Witching Hour Provisions, sold natural cleaning and refillable products. It is a cute shop with many novelty items.

  • On the way back from Dorr Mill Store there was a deer that we saw on a side road. I chose to enjoy the view rather than fumbling for a picture.
  • Gideon had field day at his school today.  The team he was on won.  Yay!

Currently listening to: In Pieces, by Sally Field.

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay Safe.

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