Monday, July 31, 2023

Pennsic Full Day Three

 Day three of Pennsic happy things:

  • This morning some friends and I got up early to park the trailer and run some errands.  We also went out for breakfast at a new restaurant.   It was very good.
  • The shower is officially working with the right amount of hot and cold water.  Yay!
  • Yesterday a friend of Gideon's arrived.  Today they had a birthday.  It was fun to be a part of their celebration.
  • Visiting with friends, telling and hearing stories, I am reminded why I come to this event and enjoy time in the SCA.
  • The moon is almost full.  It rose a mild orange color tonight.  As it got higher the entire area was lit by its brilliance. 
The parking area.

The moon.


Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Pennsic Full Day Two

Day two Pennsic happy things:

  • The weather so far has been mostly good with passing showers. Thankfully the mostly good part happened early enough that the shower panels got another coat of polyurethane before any rain came so the shower went up today.
  • The shower is not running well but we were able to troubleshoot the problem and tomorrow we'll get a replacement part to make everything all better.
  • The shower is running well enough that I had a shower today. It has been too long during set up and it feels so good to be cleaner again.
  • More people have arrived. It is good to see people I haven't seen in a while.
  • There was a rainbow after a cloud burst this afternoon. So pretty!
Rainbow in the distance.

Bird on the line.

Started reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Pennsic First Full Day

Pennsic day one happy things:

  • There are people that I can delegate things to and they do the things and it is wonderful. Some of these people have energy that I lack and it is glorious.
  • The common tent went up today and now there is more shade. There are places in camp that our people can't camp in because of the water. The common tent is one of those things that help give a place for people to be when things are wet or hot. It helps build the community.
  • I mentioned that the camp is still paying off the purchase of a trailer. I was given the money to pay off the trailer. Generosity is a wonderful thing and I wish I could be like that person.

Some pictures:

Started reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Pennsic Travel

Happy things from this day on the road:

  • When leaving the house just before 3:30 AM Keziah and Gideon pretended to be pilot and co-pilot by giving the two passengers a humorous welcome.  
  • The long drive to the event site in Pennsylvania is long.  I'm at a point in my life where I am questioning whether or not this is something I want to continue doing once I am no longer Baroness.  I'm happy we made it to the event safely and with no mishaps along the way.
  • Clinton County rest area is where I walked a little and tried to get a picture of a butterfly that wouldn't stay still.
  • Wendy's in DuBois has a little gnome village to look at while waiting in line for the drive thru.

  • Because we left when we did we got in later than I wanted.  The good part of this is that the line to get in wasn't very long.
  • I'm so thankful for the people who helped out by getting here and helping with organization and setting up.
Some other pictures:

We listened to Seedfolks, by Paul Fleischman.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Changing Plans

Some happy things from today:

  • The original plan was to leave for Pennsylvania shortly after I got out of work. Keziah was going to pack while I worked. A couple things changed that. First, when I left for work I realized that a bunch of things that needed to go in the trailer were in the car I was driving to work. So she wouldn't be able to pack things well when big things were missing. The second thing was rain in the forecast. It was supposed to start at 11 AM and I don't get out of work until around noon. Packing in the rain is not usually fun. The third thing is that we can't arrive on site until noon on Friday, so why leave so early on Thursday? Instead we will leave in the middle of the night. This all means we will be better rested for the drive.
  • Before the plans changed I decided to leave work early. By getting home around 6 AM we should have had enough time to pack up most of the things before rain. The weather ended up being weird, but that is beside the point. Heading home early from work this morning a bald eagle flew over the road in front of me. I'm sure it was headed to the river to find breakfast.
  • After changing the plans we had extra time. Keziah and I decided to fix the Ezpass. We have been using my Ezpass transponder in her van. This isn't necessarily a problem but her car was not listed on my account. There were some violations when the transponder wasn't read properly. We had the device on the dashboard and think that messed with the signal. It is now fixed. My Ezpass will be in her van so I pay the tolls. This has been on my plate to fix for YEARS. We just never got around to it. It feels good to have it done. The transponder is now attached with velcro to the windshield so it should be easier to read.
  • While Keziah waited for frappes, I watched a sparrow.

Can you see him on the bush?

Currently reading: New Hampshire’s 52 With a View, by Ken MacGray.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

CW Spider

Short, happy things for today:

  • My apologies if this bothers you, dear reader, in any way. I am so very happy that I survived an encounter with a large spider.
  • Wendy's strawberry lemonade hit the spot for me this afternoon. It is a sweet, cool, and refreshing drink.

  • While outside with Keziah, commiserating over moldy canvas (it has been in the shed for a year, but the shed apparently leaking is new), I noticed that the staghorn sumac is blooming.

Started reading: New Hampshire’s 52 With a View, by Ken MacGray.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


A couple of quick happy things:

  • Work went well last night. I did jobs that I prefer, and that don't tend to hurt. These are very good things. Also, I started the night where I ended Saturday night and found my lost water bottle. Yay!
  • Nanni is adorable sleeping by the window. My being there to take the picture woke her up. I don't think she minded though because she got scritches.

  • The milkweed seeds have taken the place of where the flowers were.  I don't know why I love milkweed so much, but I do.

Finished listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Monday, July 24, 2023


Another productive day! Here are some happy things:

  • The majority of my personal packing for Pennsic camping is done. This removes some stress. Yay!
  • One of the things I had to do was shop for things like batteries and propane. Walking through the store a little girl, maybe three or four years old, looked up and waved to me. So sweet! I gave her a big smile because I was pushing a cart and couldn't easily wave.
  • The chemise I have been working on is closer to done. The only thing left is to hand sew around the neckline. A friend offered to help and is doing that for me. I'm so thankful!
  • The yellow flower I couldn't identify yesterday is whorled tickseed. I've identified it in the past and forgot. It is a type of (or other name for) coreopsis (thank you –K). I took a close up of it.  Butterflies are supposed to like this flower.

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Productive Day

Today's happy things:
  • This morning I got up early to pick up Folke at the airport in Boston. She and my son, Bel, live in Maryland now. Folke is in NH for one week to do a residency with her college. She is going to college online, but sometimes things need to happen in person. It was great to see her and catch up.
  • Seeing a boat propeller spinning wildly as it was pulled on a trailer down the highway. It was like the little propeller was trying hard to help push the vehicle along. Wee!
  • Even though I was in the car a bunch, the day was fairly productive. After the trip to Boston, I had a short visit with my friend, Amy. She loaned me a few things for camping later this week. Keziah and I went to the storage unit to return some things and pick up the common tent. I also did some more sewing. My medieval clothes are mostly packed.
  • There are some blooms in the yard that I got some pictures of.  
Pretty white flowers.

To the left is a butterfly plant- blooms mostly gone.
I'm not sure what the yellow flowers are.


Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sew Day

Happy Saturday things:

  • The volume of items to be processed at work last night was low enough that I was able to leave early. I'll probably miss that overtime pay at some point, but I feel so much better having gone home and gotten more sleep…over three hours more sleep.
  • We are in the last week to prepare for two weeks of medieval-ish camping. I was able to repair one gown, put a hem on a small table cover, and work on a chemise I started making over a year ago.
Hemmed table cover

My finger should not be visible through that mess of seams.
Things like that got fixed today!

  • Fireworks aren't my favorite thing because of the noise. They are pretty though. Tonight a neighbor shot off some nice ones. Purples and greens were especially good.

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Is It Really Friday?

Today's happy things:

  • For the first time in about a month, I worked in the Problem Solve department for part of last night. One more night to work this week and my mandatory extended time will be done.
  • After a long phone conversation a bunch of planning for the camp I am heading is done. Done might be a strong word… things were constructively communicated in a good way.
  • A short step outside brought me the views of some lovely flowers.

Wild Sweet William

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Bachelor Button

Happy things from today:

  • Somehow I mustered the energy after work to help with partially setting up a friend’s pavilion. Thankfully it didn't need walls to be measured. I was happy to be able to help.
  • As a reward, we all got ice cream.  I would have helped without the ice cream, but it was a bonus.
  • During the spring Keziah and I planted some wildflower seeds in the front yard. There is a small hill that is a problem and is a pain to mow. Today Keziah noticed some bachelor buttons growing. Just three, but I'm glad we haven't mowed there. I really like bachelor buttons.

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Tired Wednesday

Today’s happy things:

  • Yesterday, I tried real hard, but couldn't fall asleep. I did, eventually, but it took almost three hours to finally fall into a restful sleep. So I am super tired today. When I realized that there were things on my mind to do that were helping me to stay awake, I made a list.  And so, I was able to get productive enough after work to accomplish things that were on my mind as I tried to sleep.  That feels good.
  • Keziah got the cash register for her new shop today. Yay!  I'm so happy that things are moving along for her.

  • Pizza was served at work today. When everyone is on mandatory extended time, there tends to be special things, like food, more often.  I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Rainy Afternoon

 Happy things from today:

  • At work I did the two jobs that get me the most steps.  I'm not trying for a step goal at this point, but I have over 26,000 steps today.  Wow!
  • As I write this there is a thunderstorm I'm listening to.  Rain drops can be heard.  Cars are driving through puddles.  There is a lot to hear if one listens.
  • Nanni seems happy that I'm home.

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Tired Monday

Some happy things for today:

  • The book I've been listening to, Under the Whispering Door, was good. It dealt some with death so had its hard moments, but I enjoyed it overall.
  • The wild sweet William is starting to bloom in the yard- pretty pink blossoms.  I also saw a purple flower that I don't remember that Lens thinks is platycodon grandiflorus.

  • I had a doctor's appointment today with no surprises. 🙂

Finished listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Started listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Sunday, July 16, 2023


A couple happy things from today:

  • Yesterday afternoon we changed plans and decided to leave last night because of the incoming rain. Then it got late and we decided to wake up early to pack before it rained. We woke up early, but it was already sprinkling. We packed up as fast as we could but things were still very wet. We got the tent down before the rain got heavy, but there was still wet canvas to take care of. Keziah has an empty store, and that is where we are drying the tents. Yay for big empty dry spaces!K
  • Keziah has apparently been looking forward to vacuuming her retail space. She had the chance to today and did so with a smile on her face.

  • Before leaving the event today I was able to hold a baby!

Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

GNEW Day Three

Some happy things from today:

  • Falling asleep at an SCA camping event can be hard. There is snoring, bugs, people moving, uncomfortable cots or sagging air mattresses. But there is also laughter, music, fresh air, and soft pillows. I try to focus in on one aspect out of the cacophony of sounds to help me fall asleep. Last night that was laughter.
  • During this morning's court my friend was inducted into the Order of the Sagittarius. This award is for service and excellence in the archery community.
  • Gideon participated in youth fighting and Keziah helped new to fighting youth get into armor. One petite young girl was too small for most of the armor and Keziah got creative getting it to fit. The helmet was the hardest part. I was able to loan her the knitted hat I wear to keep my coronet on so the helmet would fit her. During and after fighting for a little bit the girl had a terrific smile on her face that was wonderful to see.
  • Gideon got to hold a baby.
  • On occasion I am part of a weekly comic online as a llama. I was gifted an amazing wooden llama from a friend. For the record, I do NOT collect llamas, but people gift them to me anyways.
  • During the evening court many deserving people were given awards. A friend received a Silver Crescent which is a service level award. Yay!
Pictures from today:

Morning court

Gideon fighting

My knitted coronet hat

Evening court 

Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Friday, July 14, 2023

GNEW Day 2

Some happy things from my first full day at the event:

  • There are wonderful friends that have put together a food plan for this weekend. I have been getting plenty of good healthy food. I'm so happy and grateful for them.
  • This morning I spent relaxing in camp. I got to visit with friends and take a nap.
  • In the afternoon there was a fighting event called The Deed. It is based on fourteenth century tournaments. It was fun to watch and I got to give my token to a fighter that I was impressed by. I chose the fighter that stopped fighting because the heat became too much and they put their health first. That has to be a difficult choice when you join something that you really want to do only to find that your body doesn't. Do you push yourself or not. Putting safety first was an honorable decision.
  • Between the tournaments, while the fighters rested, there was entertainment. A man with bagpipes (or a similar instrument), a man with a poem to recite, and a trio of singers entertained the crowd. All were enjoyable. Concerning the bagpipes… I do enjoy listening to them but have to ask myself, what happened to give someone the idea to turn a stomach or animal pelt into a musical instrument
  • While the trio of singers performed the area above them filled with dragonflies. It was beautiful.
  • Twice I managed to step out of my comfort zone and offer to help strangers that seemed to be having minor struggles.
Pictures from the day:

Goat eye.

Random goats.



Me, Zippy, Keziah

End of Tournament 


Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

GNEW Day One

With a different routine because I am camping, I almost forgot to write! Here are some happy things from today:

  • My work week is over!
  • Some pretty "weeds" from the yard.

  • We didn't get out of the house and on the road as early as we'd like, but we still made it to the campground before dark. We even had enough light to get the pavilion setup before the sunset.
  • We couldn't have gotten the tent setup without the help of a couple friends. Yay friends!
  • It was close enough to dark that we only saw a few other friends before turning in. Tomorrow, after sleep, I hope to visit with more folks.

Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Different Daylily

Happy things for today:

  • Only one more day of the work week left for me!
  • We are camping this weekend and I am almost all packed and ready to go. Keziah and I leave when packing is complete tomorrow afternoon.  I really don't know where I pulled the energy from to be able to pack things today.
  • The goats we (mostly Keziah) have been making are getting ears!

  • This is our third summer in this house.  I noticed some different flowers, some kind of daylilies, that are near the iris plants.  Last year this area had an RV blocking it so I didn't see the flowers as easily.  I don't remember these flowers from the year before, but they must have been there.  I really like the color and look of these.

Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

It Is Only Tuesday

Some happy things:

  • There has not been any rain today so I stepped outside to check on some plants.  Scarlet beebalm, whorled tickseed, and butterfly weed seem to all be doing well.  They are hard to see beyond the untrimmed grass and weeds, but they are there.

  • I helped Keziah by cutting out some goats for the game she is making.  

  • It is unlikely that there will be much voluntary time off this week, but I've decided to put my name in for it for the rest of the week, unless they assign me to problem solving. We are camping this weekend and I have so much to do before I can have fun.

Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Happy Monday!

Happy things for today:

  • Sometimes my imagination likes to feed me worse case scenarios. Today that involved me imagining losing my job because I needed to leave early for an appointment. I didn't lose my job and leaving early was relatively painless and thus a happy thing.
  • I was on time for my appointment and I went to have my blood drawn for the yearly check up I have next week. I went to the clinic without an appointment for a fasting blood draw in the afternoon. No lines, not more than a minute or two wait. Yay! The phlebotomist also used a small needle, I barely felt a thing.
  • Keziah has been busy working on making the goats for a game I wrote about a week or so ago. I love the eyes she found to use!


Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Less Bells

Some of today's happy things:

  • Sleep was hard to come by so when work offered voluntary time off, I took it. Normally, I work three ten hour days. This week and next I am scheduled for five ten hour days. I’m taking off where I can.
  • Since I didn't end up working I was able to attend archery practice. My first set of royal round scores I didn't do well, the second set I scored 58, same as last week. I'm very happy with that score.

  • Keziah helped me choose which bells to keep. I knocked it down to two. Downsizing is good.  Between the four bells yesterday and the twelve today, saving two, I am getting rid of fourteen bells.  I'm realizing that I have more grieving to do even though my mother has been gone over twenty years. My cousin, Shirley, once told me that girls always miss their moms. She was right in my case. 

Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.


Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...