Monday, July 24, 2023


Another productive day! Here are some happy things:

  • The majority of my personal packing for Pennsic camping is done. This removes some stress. Yay!
  • One of the things I had to do was shop for things like batteries and propane. Walking through the store a little girl, maybe three or four years old, looked up and waved to me. So sweet! I gave her a big smile because I was pushing a cart and couldn't easily wave.
  • The chemise I have been working on is closer to done. The only thing left is to hand sew around the neckline. A friend offered to help and is doing that for me. I'm so thankful!
  • The yellow flower I couldn't identify yesterday is whorled tickseed. I've identified it in the past and forgot. It is a type of (or other name for) coreopsis (thank you –K). I took a close up of it.  Butterflies are supposed to like this flower.

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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