Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Tired Wednesday

Today’s happy things:

  • Yesterday, I tried real hard, but couldn't fall asleep. I did, eventually, but it took almost three hours to finally fall into a restful sleep. So I am super tired today. When I realized that there were things on my mind to do that were helping me to stay awake, I made a list.  And so, I was able to get productive enough after work to accomplish things that were on my mind as I tried to sleep.  That feels good.
  • Keziah got the cash register for her new shop today. Yay!  I'm so happy that things are moving along for her.

  • Pizza was served at work today. When everyone is on mandatory extended time, there tends to be special things, like food, more often.  I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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