Friday, July 14, 2023

GNEW Day 2

Some happy things from my first full day at the event:

  • There are wonderful friends that have put together a food plan for this weekend. I have been getting plenty of good healthy food. I'm so happy and grateful for them.
  • This morning I spent relaxing in camp. I got to visit with friends and take a nap.
  • In the afternoon there was a fighting event called The Deed. It is based on fourteenth century tournaments. It was fun to watch and I got to give my token to a fighter that I was impressed by. I chose the fighter that stopped fighting because the heat became too much and they put their health first. That has to be a difficult choice when you join something that you really want to do only to find that your body doesn't. Do you push yourself or not. Putting safety first was an honorable decision.
  • Between the tournaments, while the fighters rested, there was entertainment. A man with bagpipes (or a similar instrument), a man with a poem to recite, and a trio of singers entertained the crowd. All were enjoyable. Concerning the bagpipes… I do enjoy listening to them but have to ask myself, what happened to give someone the idea to turn a stomach or animal pelt into a musical instrument
  • While the trio of singers performed the area above them filled with dragonflies. It was beautiful.
  • Twice I managed to step out of my comfort zone and offer to help strangers that seemed to be having minor struggles.
Pictures from the day:

Goat eye.

Random goats.



Me, Zippy, Keziah

End of Tournament 


Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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