Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sew Day

Happy Saturday things:

  • The volume of items to be processed at work last night was low enough that I was able to leave early. I'll probably miss that overtime pay at some point, but I feel so much better having gone home and gotten more sleep…over three hours more sleep.
  • We are in the last week to prepare for two weeks of medieval-ish camping. I was able to repair one gown, put a hem on a small table cover, and work on a chemise I started making over a year ago.
Hemmed table cover

My finger should not be visible through that mess of seams.
Things like that got fixed today!

  • Fireworks aren't my favorite thing because of the noise. They are pretty though. Tonight a neighbor shot off some nice ones. Purples and greens were especially good.

Currently listening to: The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coehlo.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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