Thursday, July 27, 2023

Changing Plans

Some happy things from today:

  • The original plan was to leave for Pennsylvania shortly after I got out of work. Keziah was going to pack while I worked. A couple things changed that. First, when I left for work I realized that a bunch of things that needed to go in the trailer were in the car I was driving to work. So she wouldn't be able to pack things well when big things were missing. The second thing was rain in the forecast. It was supposed to start at 11 AM and I don't get out of work until around noon. Packing in the rain is not usually fun. The third thing is that we can't arrive on site until noon on Friday, so why leave so early on Thursday? Instead we will leave in the middle of the night. This all means we will be better rested for the drive.
  • Before the plans changed I decided to leave work early. By getting home around 6 AM we should have had enough time to pack up most of the things before rain. The weather ended up being weird, but that is beside the point. Heading home early from work this morning a bald eagle flew over the road in front of me. I'm sure it was headed to the river to find breakfast.
  • After changing the plans we had extra time. Keziah and I decided to fix the Ezpass. We have been using my Ezpass transponder in her van. This isn't necessarily a problem but her car was not listed on my account. There were some violations when the transponder wasn't read properly. We had the device on the dashboard and think that messed with the signal. It is now fixed. My Ezpass will be in her van so I pay the tolls. This has been on my plate to fix for YEARS. We just never got around to it. It feels good to have it done. The transponder is now attached with velcro to the windshield so it should be easier to read.
  • While Keziah waited for frappes, I watched a sparrow.

Can you see him on the bush?

Currently reading: New Hampshire’s 52 With a View, by Ken MacGray.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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