Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Different Daylily

Happy things for today:

  • Only one more day of the work week left for me!
  • We are camping this weekend and I am almost all packed and ready to go. Keziah and I leave when packing is complete tomorrow afternoon.  I really don't know where I pulled the energy from to be able to pack things today.
  • The goats we (mostly Keziah) have been making are getting ears!

  • This is our third summer in this house.  I noticed some different flowers, some kind of daylilies, that are near the iris plants.  Last year this area had an RV blocking it so I didn't see the flowers as easily.  I don't remember these flowers from the year before, but they must have been there.  I really like the color and look of these.

Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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