Sunday, July 16, 2023

GNEW Day Three

Some happy things from today:

  • Falling asleep at an SCA camping event can be hard. There is snoring, bugs, people moving, uncomfortable cots or sagging air mattresses. But there is also laughter, music, fresh air, and soft pillows. I try to focus in on one aspect out of the cacophony of sounds to help me fall asleep. Last night that was laughter.
  • During this morning's court my friend was inducted into the Order of the Sagittarius. This award is for service and excellence in the archery community.
  • Gideon participated in youth fighting and Keziah helped new to fighting youth get into armor. One petite young girl was too small for most of the armor and Keziah got creative getting it to fit. The helmet was the hardest part. I was able to loan her the knitted hat I wear to keep my coronet on so the helmet would fit her. During and after fighting for a little bit the girl had a terrific smile on her face that was wonderful to see.
  • Gideon got to hold a baby.
  • On occasion I am part of a weekly comic online as a llama. I was gifted an amazing wooden llama from a friend. For the record, I do NOT collect llamas, but people gift them to me anyways.
  • During the evening court many deserving people were given awards. A friend received a Silver Crescent which is a service level award. Yay!
Pictures from today:

Morning court

Gideon fighting

My knitted coronet hat

Evening court 

Currently listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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