Sunday, July 2, 2023

Archery and Song

Happy things from today:

  • Zed, Keziah, and Gideon all joined me at archery today. There were bows for each of them to borrow and try shooting. Gideon never actually hit the target but he had fun on his first time doing SCA archery.  I got the highest royal round score I remember getting, 58.  

  • There is a forest behind where we shoot and at one point we heard something rustling. It was a deer running back there. We all paused to watch it run through the trees. A short while later a dog came out of the trees! We ended up calling the owner to come get him. He was a good dog, all wet from swimming in the nearby pond. He was probably the reason for the deer running earlier.
  • In the evening, Keziah and I went to a friend’s house for a backyard bardic circle. Music, songs, stories, and jokes were performed around the fire. There are some very talented people that we know. Keziah performed a few songs but I did not.  Maybe next time.

  • On the ride home, we sang together. I looked up lyrics on the phone while she drove and we sang. Fun times!

Currently listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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