Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Independence Day

Normally on the Fourth of July I watch the musical movie 1776. That didn’t happen, although I may put it on to fall asleep by. Here are some happy things for Independence Day:

  • A little while after going to work tonight they offered voluntary time off. At first, I didn't take it. I had a nagging headache though so asked about it at break time. They let me go home and I got a little more sleep.
  • In the afternoon I went to visit my friend, Amy. While sitting and talking I noticed a bird fly onto her porch and feed babies! I hadn't seen the nest that was close to the door when I came in. There were at least two babies. I didn’t get too close. It made me wonder what I did with my selfie stick. For me, the best reason for a selfie stick is to reach places, like bird nests, without getting too close.

  • Another friend came to visit too and we all ended up doing weaving projects. We had a mini weaving circle. I got my loom warped and ready to weave the band for the next Champion that will be chosen in September.

  • Back at home there was a house full of people (eight guests!) visiting Keziah and Zed. I was able to visit a little before heading to bed early so I can work tomorrow.

Finished listening to: Becoming, by Michelle Obama.

Started listening to: Under the Whispering Door, by T. J. Klune.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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