Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Eve

Happy Christmas Eve things:

  • While preparing gifts for people Gideon said, “I'm filling secret stockings with secret things for Christmas time. Hehehehe”.  I love my grandson.

  • TF and I had a nice Christmas Eve conversation.  She will be busy all day tomorrow with family.  
  • We didn't put up a regular Christmas tree this year.  The time for that just didn't happen.  Instead, Zed made a wreath and we all added a little something to it.  It is perfect for our busy selves this year.  There is a little silver tabletop tree that also went up as a decoration.  

  • The only tradition that I know was started by my ex-husband and myself is the giving of a holiday book on Christmas Eve.  I have nothing to do with it anymore, it is all Keziah, Zed, and Gideon.  My youngest, Bel, doesn't do this.  Whether that will change or not if they have children, only time will tell.  It is something fun to open Christmas Eve that also has the potential to relax a small or excited child before bed.  We all have fun opening our books and reading before bed.

Some gifts are wrapped in fabric this year. 

  • The book I received this year was a children's book picked out by Gideon.  The book, The Twelve Hours of Christmas, is written to match up with the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas".  At Gideon's suggestion, we sang the book together as a family.  That was fun and may just be the highlight of my Christmas 2023.
Merry Christmas!!  Happiest of holidays!

Read/sang: The Twelve Hours of Christmas, by Jenn Bailey

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Mom and I recognize that polar bear fabric! Mom used it to make me pjs some years back and the remnant made it into the donation pile for Keziah's store. (It also was incorporated into a quilt she made me out of remnants from many of the clothes she has sewn for me over the years.) It makes for adorable wrapping "paper". 😁 Also, I think I need to pick up that Wheel of the Year book - I have a tarot deck, as well as a book about plants, from the same illustrator and I love her work. Merry Christmas to you all!



Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...