Sunday, December 3, 2023

Change of Plans

Sunday's happy/good things:

  • Yesterday, I had plans for today.  I had expected to write about seeing a Christmas performance and spending time with friends.  Instead, I decided to give myself a covid test.  What I thought were mild allergy symptoms turned out to be mild covid.  Or, maybe I caught it super early?  Whichever, I'm isolated in my room again.  The only good part is that I did the test and didn't spend the day with friends and didn't infect them.  
  • Last week I wrote about my long phone call with TF.  Today, it was longer.  She let me vent my frustration over having this virus again and we found things to laugh about.  Laughing is a wonderful thing. 
  • When I had covid last time (three weeks ago?) I was tired and felt miserable most of the time.  That is not the case so far.  I used holiday romance movies on Netflix to keep myself from climbing the walls.  I miss my family.  I've been working so much, and so have they, that we haven't seen much of each other.  It turns out, that is also a good thing.  Hopefully, this virus will stay contained with me.
  • The world outside my bedroom window this afternoon:

Currently listening to: Ridgeline, by Michael Punke.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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