Sunday, December 24, 2023

Pink and Blue

Happy day before Christmas Eve day!  

The first alarm I set for work goes off at 11:10 PM.  At 11:15 PM I felt a rumbling (as did the rest of the family and local friends).  It turns out that there was an earthquake not far from here.  It got me out of bed on time! 

Here are some happy things from this day:

  • In hopes to find holiday lights on the way to work I chose an alternate route.  There were a few places with some lights.  There was nowhere to safely pull over to take a picture with a car right behind me.  What I have learned is that most people turn their lights off when they go to bed and most people are asleep by one o'clock in the morning.  It was a nice short adventure, just without pictures to share.
  • It was my last night working mandatory extended time for a while.  I got over ten hours of overtime this week.  I'm tired and very happy that the week is over.  I don't go back to work until Wednesday.  
  • After a nice nap, Gideon and I picked Keziah up and we went Christmas shopping.  Gideon was able to pick up a few things for his mom when she wasn't looking.  Gideon was also kind enough to take some Christmas tree photos while I drove.

  • Last night, Keziah and Gideon visited some friends and watched something related to Percy Jackson.  I wasn't there, but they brought home some blue fettuccine Alfredo that a friend made to go along with the entertainment.  In the book, Percy Jackson’s mom makes him blue food.  The point... is that I got some tasty blue leftovers for dinner tonight.  It went well with the peppermint frosty I picked up at Wendy’s. 

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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