Saturday, December 2, 2023


Happy things from...  day?  Oh, Saturday:

  • Day Five of my work week is complete.  I stayed an hour late today.  There was an issue with the equipment that slowed down our production so there was a bunch still to do at the end of the day.  They served us a meal at the lunch time break, different varieties of macaroni and cheese.  One of the people I sat with at break was sitting next to the receipt.  The place charged $200 to have the delivery for 5 AM.  There was another charge that we weren't sure what it was for.  Let's just say that the meal wasn't cheap and I am glad it wasn't me paying for it. 
  • When I left work there was more food from other places.  There was pizza and Mexican food as well as cookies from Crumbl and some other dessert items.  The cookie I chose was delicious. 
  • At home, I helped Zed clean out the Prius so he can try to sell it.  The engine needs to be replaced, so it is a parts car.  I had forgotten that my sleeping bag was still in there!  
  • There was a lovely sky as the sun was setting.  Some pretty colors lit up the contrails.

Currently listening to: Ridgeline, by Michael Punke.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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