Thursday, December 21, 2023


Some happy things from today:

  • By 3:30 AM I had reached 10,000 steps.  Sometime before 8:30 AM 20,000.  When I got to my physical therapy appointment after work, I had over 28,000 steps.  My physical therapist was impressed at my step count.  However, I need to actually do my physical therapy at home.  I've been slacking.  As I write this, and get ready for a much needed sleep, my step count is just over 30,000.  I will do some physical therapy and get some sleep. 
  • When I woke up to go to work last night I had a message from Keziah about cookies.  They brought some home from Crumbl and I was welcome to have some.  I cut off pieces from three of the flavors to take to work.  They were delicious.  Every week they serve different flavors.  This week they have four flavors that I like. 
  • Once a month at work at least one supervisor gathers with anyone who has a birthday that month to casually talk shop.  This is my third December with the company and the first time I actually made it to one of these.  It is nice to share ideas and talk with management about things that go well, and things that don't.  They also offer some kind of snack or treat.  Today that included Crumbl cookies!  I am so very full of cookies and it is wonderful.  I may be done for a few days though!  
  • It wasn't until after I drove by the houses I already took pictures of that I remembered that I wanted to take pictures of holiday decorations.  I didn't notice any more on the way to work.  Not everyone leaves their lights on all night. Instead, I offer a picture of a parking lot and red and green street lights.   The view from where I parked the car for work.

  • Because pretty things are important, sunset!

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...