Friday, December 15, 2023

Work Stuff

Happy things from today:

  • It was tight, but I made it to work on time.  I overslept and then let myself get distracted.  Thankfully, work gives a few minutes on either side of the clock in time, so I made it.  One day left to work this week.  If they offer voluntary time off tonight, I might try to get it.  
  • Work has updated my schedule for the rest of the month.   Next week I am only scheduled for four days instead of five.  Yay!  Also, I have both Christmas and Boxing Day off.  I didn't remember having Boxing Day off before.  It turns out that it has just fallen on my normal days off so I didn't even realize the business was closed.  Or, I knew, and just forgot because I had the day off anyway.  Yay, downtime!
  • Once again my picture is of the sunset.  The colors didn't quite show up as much as I'd like.  There is a bonus crescent moon though, if one looks hard enough. 

Also listening to: How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

So, I cropped the picture because the moon was so pretty, I wanted to share.  

I tried to get the colors of the sunset to show up better by cropping as well.  It was better in real life.  The message here is to get out, or look out the windows now and then, there is a big beautiful world.

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