Friday, December 22, 2023


Happy things from today:

  • Today is the first full day of winter.  According to the internet, Solstice was official at 10:27 PM on Thursday, December 21st.  So yesterday was both autumn and winter.  The amount of daylight will continue to get longer now, until summer.  Anyhow, it was a cold, but sunny, first day of winter.  
  • Bel and Folke decided to celebrate Solstice this year instead of Christmas.  They sent me a message asking if they could open their presents early.  I said yes.   It looks like they liked the presents.  🙂
  • Tonight (Saturday) is the last night of mandatory extended time for me this holiday season.  I will be so happy when this is over.  The paychecks were nice, but so is sleep.
  • On the way to work I remembered to get a picture of some Christmas lights.

  • Sunset!

Currently listening to: Robin, by Dave Itzkoff.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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