Saturday, December 16, 2023

A Show

Yesterday I spoke too soon about my schedule.  I was told I would only be working four days, but it will be five days next week.  I still only work two days the week of Christmas, so, yay!  Here are some happy things from today:

  • Today was day five at work this week.  Because I cut out a little early most days,  my total time for this week was 47 hours and 34 minutes.  That will be just over seven and half hours of overtime pay.  That said, I told someone at work today that when given the opportunity to go home or work lots of extra hours, I'll go home.   Sleep, my health, and my family are worth more than the extra hours and money at work.
  • When I head to work it is the middle of the night.  This time of year when I look up and to the right out the door I see Orion.  When I walk toward the car, I see the big dipper.  The stars were bright last night with the moon already set.  The stars are the greatest light show.  Tonight, coming inside from being at a play, Orion was more or less right outside the door to the house.  What a difference a few hours makes.  
  • After napping this afternoon Keziah, Zed, and I went to see Dickens’ A Christmas Carol at Hatbox Theater in Concord, NH.  Gideon is at a sleepover with a friend.  It was a marvelous performance.  This was my first time at this theater.  It is a small venue.  It was probably my last time at this location.  The mall it is in has found a new purpose that doesn't include this theater.  They are looking for somewhere else.  I hope they find something soon.  All the players were very good.   I hadn't thought of this before, but the actor who plays Scrooge and basically in every scene.  They have to hold the entire show.  
That is me behind the mask with Keziah and Zed.

The stage.

Currently listening to: How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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