Monday, December 11, 2023

Therapy and Socks

Happy Monday things:

  • This morning I had therapy.  For some unknown reason I was in a good mood.  We had banter and laughter as well as some actual moments of therapy.  There were two things in my room that I was able to say it is time for them to go.  There was also a pile of crochet cotton that belongs in the studio, not my bedroom.  Anyhow, I have plans for all of those things in motion.   That is today's downsizing baby step.
  • Eventually I will be moving into the small apartment that is attached to this house.   There are some things that need to happen first (like cleaning, and maybe painting).  However, another idea I had in therapy today was to move some of my things over there soon.  Things like my archery and camping equipment that I won't need until spring.  This will make it easier to go through other things in my room.
  • There is a basket in my room that I toss unmatched socks into.  Today I went briefly through it and I was able to match up six pairs of socks.  No, I don't have a time limit on the socks to throw them out when a match isn't found.  I'm okay with that.  

Listening to: Ridgeline, by Michael Punke. 

Also listening to: How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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