Saturday, December 9, 2023

Toy Cat

 Some happy things from today:

  • Even with only working two days this week, I'm tired and ready for time off. Yay for time off!  
  • As I write this, the room keeps getting dark, then light.  There is a bug crawling on my light!  This is funny, until I turn off the light for sleep and the bug will have nowhere to go.  Hahaha!
  • After work I spent a little time at Keziah’s store, DIY Craft & Thrift.  They have moved things around some.  One change was to put a low table by the checkout to make it easier for someone who might be in a wheelchair to reach.  
  • Keziah received an unfinished item that she thought might fit a toy cat she made a while ago.  I brought her the cat and it fits!  The toy cat was from a kit that my mom had and never finished.

  • The store has acquired, on loan, a floor loom.  I'm hoping after the holidays a place will be found that it can be set up to use.  

Again listening to: Ridgeline, by Michael Punke.  Hopefully I will be able to finish this before it is due again.

Also listening to: How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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