Monday, February 20, 2023

Memory Lane

Some memories for my happy things today:

  • Another 15 minutes was spent going through a box. This is my slow progress towards downsizing.  The easy stuff seems to be the trash and things like a utility knife that have a place to go. There was also a rock I painted in 1973. It has a little snippet of my hair glued to it. I'll need to find a place to put that.

  • My hair has been long most of my life. The shortest I remember it being was also in 1973. Before that was birth. In this box is my school picture from that year with my short haircut.

  • Another thing I found is an autographed copy of the book Ten Years on the Rock Pile, by Lee Vincent. That book has seen better days but I might read it someday.

Finished listening to: Here Goes Nothing, by Eamon McGrath

Currently reading: Unenchanted, by Chanda Hahn

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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