Sunday, February 26, 2023

Some Seeds Planted

Some happy things from this Friday:

  • Despite the cold (both the temperature and the virus) I went shopping this morning. My main goal was to buy some seed starting coconut coir, but I picked up some groceries too. At home I planted some flat leafed parsley, thyme, peppermint, basil and curly leafed parsley. All the seed packets are from previous years so there is no saying whether they will grow or not. It feels good to try. They also aren't as warm as they should be, but I will remain hopeful.

  • TF, Gideon, and I played Minecraft tonight. Zed joined us too! We are enjoying exploring this new world.

Currently listening to: The Wedding Dress Sewing Circle, by Jennifer Ryan

Currently reading: Unenchanted, by Chanda Hahn

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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