Monday, February 6, 2023

Signs of Spring

My happy things from today:

  • Winter is only just half over but I am looking for signs of spring. With temperatures in the low 40's today the melting snow smell was a nice sign of spring. Sure, there is plenty of time for more winter and snow. Today it was melting.
  • Another thing that I'm looking at as a sign of spring is the Asian lady beetle that was flying around my room today. Yes, these are nuisance bugs in a house, but also a sign that spring will come.

  • My friend Amy and I went for a nice walk along a rail trail. Parts of the paved trail were still very snowy and icy. Other parts were dry.  The stream alongside the trail was rushing with snowmelt. 

Currently listening to: The Becoming, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: Fallen, by E Prybylski

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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