Saturday, February 18, 2023


Some happy things from today:

  • Gideon made me happy today by letting us know that today is the anniversary of the discovery of Pluto. Sometimes my grandson surprises me with what he finds out.
  • TF and I worked on creating our wills today. I used a free website and put together the bare minimum needed to have it done. It, of course, isn't done until I look it over more and it is signed and stuff.  A will is not necessarily a happy thing but a beginning is good and I am happy that I got this far.
  • Keziah introduced me to some YouTube programs by College Humor. Some tasteless but also some really funny stuff.  It is good to laugh.

Finished listening to: The Becoming, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: Unenchanted, by Chanda Hahn

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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