Saturday, September 2, 2023

A Pokémon Day

Our friend left her phone at Keziah’s store last night.  Keziah and Zed were helping someone move, so I got to go to the store to let them in to get their phone.  But, I didn't know when they would be there and Farmer's Market was happening this morning.  I asked my grandson, Gideon, if he wanted to go to Farmer's Market and then walk around Concord until it was time to meet our friends for the phone.  And so my happy things for today are:

  • Gideon and I had some yummy doughnuts from the Farmer's Market.  They were all out of special flavors, but the honey-dipped were great.
  • We walked to Gibson's Bookstore and Cafe to battle a Pokémon gym and have lunch.  We had fun playing and talking Pokémon.  Gideon has some neat ideas for Pokémon based fan games.
  • We walked around the city for quite some time.  We visited the outside of the State House, and two different fountains.  We got to watch some sparrows bathing in one of the fountains.

The picture is upside-down (sorry), 
but the time was pretty accurate. 



  • Eventually our friends came to get the phone.  She found her phone right where she remembered leaving it and her husband got to see the store for the first time.  He was quite impressed.  I learned that I don't know how to turn the lights on!

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Keep Moving, by Dick Van Dyke.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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