Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Long Days Are Long

My apologies, it has been a very long day for me and I'm falling asleep as I write.  Here are some happy and happy-ish things from today:

  • At work tonight the "big boss" was there at the beginning of the shift.  He usually comes in sometime in the middle of the shift so this was unusual.  I will admit to being a little nervous about what kind of announcement he was there to make.  It was good though, we all are getting a raise in the beginning of October.
  • One of Zed's sisters had a baby about seven weeks ago.  This is the first, first cousin for Gideon.  Zed's sister and family visited the store today and we all got to hold the baby.

  • Today is Zed's birthday, happy birthday to the best son-in-law!!
  • Birthday month means vehicle inspection in NH.  The Prius got fixed and inspected today.  The check engine light was on so the inspection isn't complete until the light is off for about 100 miles.  So far so good.
  • Sometimes sad things happen.  Recently my cousin's husband passed away.  He was 88 years old.  Keziah and I went to the calling hours tonight after she closed the store.  We didn't have a lot of time but it was good to see some family.  He was a firefighter and an active member of his community.  The interesting story we heard was about his favorite fork.  It felt just right, the weight was perfect, and it was the fork he always wanted to use.  The fork will be buried with him.  May they rest in peace and comfort.  

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. 💖 Thanks again for making the trek down for Dad's visiting hours. It was so good to see you both.



Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...