Sunday, September 17, 2023

Harper's Retreat Day Two

 Today I wasn't invisible.   As a shy introvert I often fall under the radar, so to speak.   Even with a shiny coronet on my head I sometimes feel seen but not necessarily noticed, if that makes sense.  Anyhow, here are some happy things:

  • When I go to an event with our chiefs of staff, I get fed.  Pancakes for breakfast and hotdogs for lunch were much appreciated.
  • Normally, Keziah and I have to split our time between activities at this particular event.  Because someone wasn't able to make it, this morning's thrown weapons was canceled so I was able to attend all of the archery tournament instead of just the finals.  The people running the archery came up with some fun shoots and I was able to watch them all.  The final shoot included hanging targets that moved with the breeze.  This added an extra element to the competition.  It was a lot of fun.
  • I helped someone string the hanging targets which was also fun.  I really stepped out of my shell for this day.
  • There was a lovely display of arts and sciences.  People showed off there calligraphy, sewing, embroidery, book binding, illumination, and more.
  • In the late afternoon there was a delicious feast.  With Keziah not there, I had some anxiety as I had to figure out who to sit at head table with me and who to say the toasts.  In the end, I really enjoyed the company at head table.  If anyone had a complaint over who said the toasts, I haven't been told.  Phew.
  • In the evening the bardic competitions were held.  There were two children that competed for Youth Bard and three adults who competed for either Baronial Bard or Warrior Bard.  Thankfully it wasn't all up to me to choose.  Teamwork!  That was followed by general bardic.  It was lots of fun.
  • I was invited to a private camp to visit with some people that I just met today.  I went, in the dark, to places in the encampment that I hadn't seen yet in the light.  I got there, met some people, and heard stories.  When it was time to leave we left as a group with new friends escorting us back to the main part of camp. 
  • The stars were bright tonight.  We also saw satellites. 

People helped me to feel special today and it was very nice.  Here are some pictures I took throughout the day:

A beautiful view of Mount Monadnock.


Dragon targets

The Dragons were hit!

These targets the archers needed to hit the Dragons, and not the sheep.

This one they also had to avoid the sheep.

The final two.

Hanging targets.

A lovely display of this woman's art.  Embroidery, painting, and a book she illuminated and did the calligraphy.  She also bound the book.  Superb! 

A harpist.

A singer.

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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