Friday, September 1, 2023

Opening Day

Happy things from today:

  • Have you ever gotten a song stuck in your head?  I have heard that listening to it helps to get it unstuck.  Yesterday, for me, that song was Closer to Fine, by the Indigo Girls.  That song was featured in the Barbie movie, which is probably why I was thinking of it.  I was telling my therapist about the movie yesterday.  I didn't Google the song, or go to listen to it in any way.  This morning I turned on my YouTube music app to listen to music while I took a shower, like I do every day.  There was a song by David Bowie that I was in the middle of from last time.  The next song that played was Closer to Fine.  It was just what I needed.  Also, I had been puzzled over the Barbie movie ending and suddenly, I think I got it.  Now I want to watch the movie again.
  • It was opening day at DIY Craft & Thrift.  While we were getting ready to open, a bookshelf fell apart.  I told Keziah that that was her bad thing for the day, everything else would be good.  It didn't quite work that way, but mostly.  There was a steady stream of people almost the entire day.  She was open from 10 AM to 8 PM and really only slowed down after 5 PM.  There were even a few people who came in after the official closing.  The store is closed for the weekend.

  • When Keziah was interviewed by the newspaper she mentioned that my mother had worked for Ames (a now out-of-business department store).   A customer came in today with donations in a bag from Ames!  How sweet is that?

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Keep Moving, by Dick Van Dyke.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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