Friday, September 22, 2023


Once again, I'm getting the bad stuff out of the way first.  On Wednesday, I learned that a friend that was at the event on Sunday has Covid.  I tested negative on Wednesday.  Until today, it has been a busy week and I hope I don't have this and didn't expose anyone.  Today I did a lot of nothing.  I am supposed to be participating in the Out of Darkness walk tomorrow and going to a wedding. I will be testing again in the morning before choosing to participate or not.  I'm hopeful that because my exposure to my friend was so limited and mostly outside, that I'll be fine.  I am vaccinated.  I believe that Keziah had a similar level of exposure to her as I did.

And so here are some happy things from today:

  • Some days, the little things are the big ones.  It took me a really long time, but eventually I got out of bed today.  Most of my day was spent scrolling on the internet, attempting to start a journal, or reading about the new medication I started today.  
  • It took most of the day, but after I showered and did my hair I went outside to get a picture of that flowering plant I couldn't identify yesterday.  It was SO nice outside.  It is starting to feel like autumn is on the way.

The Lens app identifies this as either an ironweed or a New England Aster.  Both are members of the Asteraceae family.  My opinion is that it is most likely a New England Aster.
  • The cooler temperatures inspired me to see if Gideon wanted to go for a walk.  He did!  We had a nice time.  We talked about Minecraft, school, and Rabbit Tobacco.  There was a bunch of Rabbit Tobacco growing on the side of the road, but I didn't take a picture of it.



Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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